Fleet owners, your future is here

Access data that drives quality conversations about performance. Understand what’s working, what’s not and make informed decisions about how to proceed.

Machine utilisation

From idle time to true cost of ownership, gain complete oversight of your entire fleet.

Increase efficiency

Use only the machinery you need. Offload anything that’s sitting idle and hire more of what you’re actually using.

Support better decisions

Take action based on real time information, and monitor results with insight from accurate data.


Meaningful data means effective business decisions for industries that use heavy machinery. 


Track and analyse your running costs so you can make decisions that increase efficiency.

Have complete oversight of your fleet and split data by site, division, or however you like.

Plant Hire

Monitor usage and ensure that plant machinery is used within contracted hours.

Insight into utilisation means you can help your customers drive efficiency and cut idle time – and their carbon footprint.  

Waste and Recycling

Get live data, so you know when you’ll hit production goals.  

View up time, down time and forecast planned maintenance. 


View the performance of your whole fleet.

Break down and analyse the data by machine type, site, or by date and use the details at your fingertips to make more effective decisions.  


Monitor throughput and anticipate risks to meeting production goals.

Forecast downtime and plan workloads more effectively to keep things running consistently.  


Monitor usage, minimise idle time and drive efficiency where it’s needed.  

Plan workloads and make adjustments based on the data generated.  


Keep machinery running consistently, for longer, with forecast downtime.  

Run the business efficiently with insight into performance, output and operator usage.


Accurate data allows you to anticipate and plan for downtime.  

Time is money and unforeseen problems cost the business. Reduce downtime at critical periods with efficient management of preventative maintenance.